Period blood clots: Potential causes and how to manage them
Finding blood clots in your period? Over on our blog, we explore common causes of period blood clots and how you can know ... -
Black period blood? We get real about what it means.
The lowdown on black period blood. Why it’s dark, what causes it and what you can do about it. -
Everything you need to know about postpartum bleeding
Experiencing blood clots after birth? You’re not alone. We unpack postpartum bleeding and how to manage it with the perfec... -
Dr Jana Pittman’s tips for coping with hot flushes and night sweats
After this year’s World Menopause Month, I’m here to unpack one of life’s biggest transitions: from reproductive life to a... -
Debunking Period Sex Myths with Dr Jana Pittman
Period sex. This one always stirs up a lot of opinions! It is rarely a topic of conversation, yet most of us would secretl... -
The morning after pill and your period
The morning after pill: how does it affect your menstrual cycle? Navigating the complexities of our bodies can often feel ... -
Discharge before your period: a guide
Vaginal discharge is common and usually a sign that your body is healthy and doing what it does best. The uterus and cervi... -
Endometriosis and PCOS: What’s the difference?
Endometriosis and PCOS: how to tell the difference Endometriosis and PCOS are very different health issues that are often ...